Leumeah Air is still operating and our customer support team is available during business hours to provide support and answer your queries.

We’re doing everything we can to continue providing the highest customer support and standards throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

What We’re Doing to Protect Our Customers and Employees

We’ve implemented a COVID-19 Policy to protect our customers and employees.

The policy includes:

  • Limiting interactions within the team
  • Working from home whenever possible
  • Minimising visits to the office
  • Self-isolating during out of work hours

The Leumeah Air service team is still in the field providing trusted air conditioning maintenance services and we’ve implemented a rigid safety policy to minimise risk.

The safety policy includes:

  • All vehicles are supplied with hand sanitiser, gloves and masks
  • Self-sanitising before approaching a customer’s premises
  • Practicing practical social-distancing with our customers
  • Being Covid aware when at a customer’s home or other public spaces
  • Keeping time indoors to a minimum, working as efficiently as possible
  • Sanitising after the completion of works, prior to attending the next job

All team members are kept up-to-date on Coronavirus symptoms and will take sick leave if feeling unwell or if they have knowingly had contact with someone infected with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

At our Work Health and Safety meetings (WHS) are go over recent Covid news and ensure that everybody is up-to-date with the current medical and government guidelines.

What You Can Do to Help Protect Our Team

To protect the health of our team and enable Leumeah Air to continue providing the service and support our customers depend on, please practice hand-hygiene recommendations and observe social-distancing guidelines with our employees.

Also, prior to the visit, please inform us if you:

  • Are feeling unwell
  • Are showing any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19
  • Have recently been abroad
  • Have knowingly had contact with anyone infected with COVID-19.

The Leumeah Air team is here for our valued customers throughout these uncertain times, and while things are changing daily, we’ll do our best to keep you updated on our servicing capabilities.

Email us at [email protected]  or call 1300 369 333 for further information.